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2020/02/28 21:04  新华报业网  朱娜  



  近日,新华日报全媒体国际传播部收到一封特别的邮件,洋洋洒洒的1400多个英文单词里,英国人贺福(Frank Hossack)回顾了在他认知中,中国近五十年里战胜的地震、洪灾、非典、雪灾等一场场重大灾难,并肯定地说:“我们一定会胜利”。




  除了翻译工作,这段时间,贺福还做了很多事,在网站和公众号上及时更新相关信息,介绍、解释中国的防疫防控措施,提醒读者一些必要的防护措施和最新的政策。春节期间,南京多处地标建筑亮灯为武汉加油,贺福和妻子创作英文口号“We will win together”,特地投稿,这一串闪烁在南京河西金鹰的巨型大屏上的单词,也为中国人民抗击新冠肺炎疫情注入更多信心。



  We will Prevail

  By Frank Hossack

  When I was born, the Beijing metro had just opened 3 weeks earlier (National Day, 1969). I have spent more than half my life in China and it therefore seems fitting that I now reflect on the country’s present situation, for I have never before seen anything like it.

  Much has been written about the enormous change and challenge that China has undergone and endured in her thousands of years history. As our comrades in healthcare nationwide work tirelessly in the fight against the coronavirus, it’s worth noting how China has reacted to 50 years of natural disaster.

  On 28 July, 1976, In the early hours, a 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck the region around Tangshan, Hebei Province. In minutes, the city of Tangshan, an industrial city with approximately one million inhabitants, ceased to exist. 85 percent of buildings in the city collapsed or became unusable, all services failed and most of the highway and railway bridges collapsed or were seriously damaged. At the time, 10,000 miners were underground. Most escaped within hours, but some did not reach the surface until 2 weeks later. A quarter of a million people died, putting it in the top three earthquakes as regards fatalities in recorded history. It has been called one of the deadliest wraths of nature in modern times.

  But we prevailed.

  In 1998, China experienced massive flooding, that included the Yangtze River, the Nen River, the Songhua River and the Pearl River. Above average rainfall in the region for several months before and during the summer of 1998 brought double the normal amount of rainfall during the rainy season to most areas. Some regions experienced levels as much as nearly three times their historical average. Combined with above average rainfall since the previous winter, this pushed water levels to above cautionary levels. 4,150 people died, and 180 million people were affected. 13.3 million houses were damaged or destroyed in what was considered the worst Northern China flood in 40 years. I was living and working in Shanghai at the time. I called my parents in Scotland and told them 20 cm of rain had fallen on the city that day and that I had waded across the street to the corner shop. They said, “20cm? That’s impossible”. When it was all over, the Chinese People's Liberation Army had earned a tremendous amount of respect because of their heroic behaviour in fighting the floods.

  And we prevailed.

  In recent days, the facts of SARS have been widely reported. Less well known is the fact that in 2017, Chinese scientists traced the virus through the to cave-dwelling horseshoe bats in Yunnan province. As of 2020, there is still no cure or protective vaccine for SARS that has been shown to be both safe and effective in humans.

  Again, I was in Shanghai at the time. Foreigners fled the city. My first business failed. All my customers had gone home. The Chinese were more pragmatic. Gathering places, entertainment venues and restaurants were all shuttered but there was not the overwhelming response from the public that we are seeing today. I will touch on the reasons for this later. Many people wore masks when out and about but it was very far from the majority. Little attention was paid to hygiene.

  But we prevailed.

  2008 was to be a monumental year for China. As it got off to a start, the country was ravaged by some of the most sever winter storms in half a century. Jiangsu was one of the hardest hit areas. Nanjing was cut off for a week. All of Shanghai's skyline night lights were shut off to support relief efforts and were not back in action until the storm was declared officially over. It was also the first time that snow covered the entire Taklamakan Desert at the same time. The period was the coldest recorded across the country since 1986-87 and it killed hundreds of people. For myself, I spent the week in a hotel, unable to return to my home in Pukou, given that the Yangtze River Bridge was closed, deemed unsafe to cross.

  Those winter storms were followed by the tragedy of the Wenchuan earthquake that took place at 14:28:01, on 12 May, 2008. After the death and destruction, the State Council declared a 3-day period of national mourning for the quake victims, starting from 19 May, 2008. China's National Flag and the flags of Hong Kong and Macau were flown at half mast. Many websites converted their home page to black and white. I remember observing a minute of silence with my colleagues in our office in Nanjing’s Golden Eagle in Xinjiekou. Afterwards, in Tiananmen Square, crowds spontaneously burst out cheering various slogans, including "Long Live China”. On Children's Day, June 1, many parents went to the rubble of schools to mourn for their children.

  Yet, the same year also saw China host its first Olympic Games and a Chinese man complete the country’s first spacewalk.

  We had once again prevailed.

  11 years after the tragedy of Wenchuan, a 6.0 magnitude earthquake hit Sichuan Province again last June. This time however, tragedy found a hero in Wan Hao, the man who, after Wenchuan, dedicated himself to developing China’s earthquake early warning system that last saved hundreds seconds before the disaster hit. If the Wenchuan earthquake were to occur again with the early warning system, the number of deaths might be reduced by 20,000 to 30,000. The story hit headlines, and quite deservedly. Yet, the media made little reference to one 44 years prior, known for being one of the few earthquakes to be successfully predicted throughout history. The 1975 Haicheng earthquake hit with the magnitude of 7.5 that is associated with total destruction of infrastructure and property. However, Haicheng had been evacuated hours earlier, the government believing there to be a large chance of an earthquake occurring. The death toll that could have been as much as 150,000 was 2,041.

  Not only had we prevailed, we had done it twice. And we were now better prepared for the future.

  Much comparison with the current coronavirus has been made with SARS. Most of it is unwarranted, particularly as to public education.

  Back in 2002 when the SARS virus hit, there was virtually no Internet in China. People replied on traditional media for their news, which was often slow, cumbersome and inaccurate. Today, all media is online and there is also WeChat, Weibo and Douyin. The Chinese people are today much better informed. This media literacy is playing an enormous role in our fighting of the coronavirus.

  When the panic buying of masks started, I reached out to my family in other countries; my sister in France and two cousins in the UK. Their response was immediate. They quickly went about assembling supplies; surgical masks, hand sanitiser, alcohol wipes and other disinfectants. Very soon they found that masks were already sold out in many places, both in the UK and France, presumably bought by other people with the same purpose to send on to family and friends in China. I received a barrage of emails from them informing me that they had at last found a supply of masks, that the packages were on their way and the tracking numbers thereof. A cousin I have never met who is a retired vet had a supply of masks. They have sent them to China for me without being asked.

  As I write and while I wait for those packages to arrive, I worry for my second business.

  I will close with a comparison of east and west when it comes to dealing with humanitarian crisis. The Western model is slower, less certain with inefficient decision-making, and cannot make moves nearly as drastic. By contrast, the Eastern model is efficient, deliberate and swift.

  If the government deems that something must be done, so it shall be. After Tangshan in 1976, the government's response showed that it was prepared and competent to quickly provide relief.

  Without the cooperation of the people, any government is very limited in what it can achieve. When the two work together, miracles happen. In 2020, China has mustered the largest human resource on the planet to address urgent common concern. This year, in Wuhan, the human cost is unbearable, the economic cost incalculable.

  Divided we fall. United we stand. We will prevail.






  在1998年,中国遭遇了特大洪水,长江、嫩江、松花江和珠江等都发生洪水灾害。在当年夏季开始前以及整个夏季的数月时间里,这些流域降水量都超过了平均水平,大多数地区雨季开始后降水量达到了平均水平的两倍,还有些地区的降水量接近历史均值的三倍。由于之前的冬季就降雨量偏高,使得这些流域的水位线都超过了警戒线。洪水造成了4千多人死亡,受灾人口也达到了2亿人,另有近万房屋损坏或者倒塌。在中国北方,这场洪灾也是40年来最严重的。我当时就生活和工作在上海。有一天,我给我在苏格兰的父母打电话,告诉他们那天上海降雨量达到了20厘米,我只能蹚水过街去一个街角小店。他们说:“20厘米?不可能吧。“ 当洪灾过后,因为在抗灾救灾中的英勇行为,中国人民解放军赢得了巨大的尊敬。





  2008年对中国也是有特殊意义的一年。 年初中国就遭遇了半个世纪以来最严重的雪灾。江苏是受灾最严重的地区之一,上海也关闭了夜间景观灯照明,以节约用电支持抗灾救灾,直到灾情结束。整个塔克拉玛干沙漠第一次都被白雪覆盖。那个时候是1986-87年有记录以来全国最寒冷的季节,上百人死亡。那时,我在宾馆里待了一周,没法回到我在浦口的家,因为长江大桥为安全起见也暂停通车。









  在我写这些文字以及等待这些快递时, 我对我的第二次创业也不无担忧。





  交汇点记者 朱娜






